PITC Institute has been working with the children for last eight years. These children are located in the slums of Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. More than 60,000 enrollment has taken place so far.
We take children between four and a half and five years old and bring them into classrooms located in the middle of the slums, for preschool education. After one year of education, we admit them in the nearby primary school, mostly in government schools. We then enter them into the after school tutoring programs from grades one to five.
We just stared an experimental program in primary and high schools, developing vision in the children. These programs cater to all children going to, or graduated from, DoPeace, but include all children in the partner schools.
The program encourages critical thinking on the options the children have. What is possible for them, and what could they become? What is required to achieve higher goals? This a dialog that will continue for one year with a frequency of two weeks to one month — for up to one year. We are in the process of recruiting 30 schools, each estimates to have 500 students, servicing a total of 15,000 students.
I believe the program will propel many to higher learning — something DoPeace is emphatic about at each stage of interaction with the students, parents, and community leaders.