Under the Starry Nights: Low-cost Education for Thousands of Children in Slums


There is substantial data that warrant investment on the education of the slum children. They must grow up to be self-reliant and contribute to the peace and wellbeing of the planet. Those under the age of five are specially vulnerable if they do not have the resources to go to the school. We cannot allow them to be street kids and let them (and the rest of us by association) suffer the consequences of their illiteracy.
The UNICEF 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey reports that only about half of the children living in urban slums attend school compared to a national average of 81% net attendance ratio, and about 24% of slum girls never enroll in any form of formal or non-formal school. Even those who are enrolled, completion of the primary cycle are critical issues. Only 55% of children eventually reach Grade 5.
DoPeace’s objective is to reduce the number of street children through primary school education by providing centers within the community walking distance, and recruiting instructors from within the community. The emphasis is on student access to education. We use daily on-line reporting and provide complete access of daily data to the donors.
DoPeace curriculum consists of online material for English (grades 1-5), Math (grades 1-5), and Science (grades 3-5). Each subject is divided into modules. There is a pre-assessment for each grade. Further, there is post assessment for each module. Only when a student has successfully completed a module, she or he is allowed to proceed to the next module.
All progress and assessments of each student is automatically recorded though the LMS (Learning Management System), and available real time to the stakeholders (instructors, DoPeace, NGO, and the school donors).