Under the Starry Nights: Low-cost Education for Thousands of Children in Slums


From the moment a child is born in the slums, they face the daily hardship of malnutrition, lack of healthcare and education. In 2013, 1.2 billion people throughout the world lived on less than $2.00 a day. These children are less healthy and language skills are less developed. The result of the lack of access to education is debilitating and life-long.
It is expected that over one million children under the age of six living in slums do not get a quality education to prepare them for primary school and to be competitive. When one group of children go to school, another group of children flood the streets to look for work. For these children school is out of reach.
They are burdened with adult responsibilities from an early age. They work for their own survival and for the financial survival of their families or the people they are living with. Most parents are faced with the difficult choice of a child continuing their education or helping the family survive by going to work.
Research is proving in Bangladesh and abroad that show that beginning their lives with a quality preschool education will have multiply advances. It motivates and prepares children to attend primary school, provides parents with information about new approaches to education and prepares them to support their children’s schooling experience. Preschool attendance improves children’s enrollment and retention rates and academic performance in primary school and beyond.
The impact of the Pre-primary education provided by DoPeace is immediate as it changes the outlook of the parents towards education. This ensures that children receive age appropriate care and support that will nurture their early learning needs. The programs encourage parents to continue the activities in the home. The centers are located in strategic areas in the camps and maintain in close contact with the nearest schools. The preschool provides a safe and protected learning environment while parents and other family members are working.
DoPeace Learning Centers strive to provide each child with an online and on-ground education with the support of teachers to help each child succeed in today’s global economy.