Dr. Ahmed is currently devoting considerable time and effort on the non-profit organization he founded in 2014, called DoPeace, which is dedicated to educating children in the slums, with the following mission:
The low cost approach to effective education using high-tech reporting tools deployed at the very basic classrooms at a mass scale is an experiment that DoPeace is employing the very first time. There are more than 10,000 children enrolled every year in the DoPeace Learning Centers in Bangladesh, with total enrollment of 38,000 poorest of the poor children enrolled so far. The model is now proven to work efficiently, and we believe this to be ready for the mass education of children in the slums of the world.
Dr. Ahmed is a long-distance runner. He has completed the Newport Marathon in 2018, Swiss City half-marathon in 2017, Twin Cities Marathon in 2016, Berlin Marathon in 2015, the Amsterdam Marathon in 2014, Big Sur International Marathon in 2013, Quebec City Marathon in 2012, Paris Marathon in 2011, Munich Marathon in 2010, Venice Marathon in 2009, Vienna Marathon in 2009, Edinburgh Marathon in 2008, Long Beach Marathon in 2007, Toronto Marathon in 2006, Flora London Marathon in 1998, the New York Marathon in 1996, and the Philadelphia Marathon in 1995