How would you to do like this every day: eat the same food, see the world in one color, wear the same outfit, read the same author, or do the same task? You probably can, but I bet the life would not be terribly exciting.
Same is the case if we have closed mind about people and ideas – different languages, cultures, ways of living, and religion. We lose a lot if we disregard diversity. The reason is not only that it is so exciting to interact with people different from me.
Because of the way people are brought about, and perhaps due to genetic reasons, brain processes the information from different points of view. This enables us to innovate better, make better assessment, and come up with better conclusions and decisions.
Without embracing diversity, the world will indeed be a bland place to live, but also missing out the real progress that requires diverse points of view.
I feel that this is the same with DoPeace educational model. We were able to innovate because of the diversity of the communities we work with. We are able to start developing a higher standard of education in the slums as we embrace all ethnicities, languages, cultures, and religion. We are for any and all children!
#EducateChildrenInSlums #EducationInSlums