Under the Starry Nights: Low-cost Education for Thousands of Children in Slums

In front of the children in a classroom I see the potential of developing the small brains to the highest level. The brain has equal potential, no matter the location where the child is born. This is my firm belief, and I hope and pray that the science will not refute this, and so far, to my knowledge, it has not.

I tell my teachers not to be judgmental by the looks, the dress, and even the behavior of the child, as we can’t tell to what heights the child will grow to, and what achievements are waiting for them. Given the opportunity of a classroom, a teacher, the compassion and warmth, and believing on them can produce unimaginable results.

The unexpected happens all the time and everywhere. The only constant is the unbelievable change. What seems to be miracle is the norm, in science and in human performance, and the same universal laws apply to the children in slums. There is no major difference except in our minds. There are no obstacles, saving one. The lack of opportunity to develop the brain.

All we have to do is to bring them to a classroom from early childhood and provide quality education. The basic education needs to be followed by higher education. Keep developing the brain until it becomes the powerhouse of unrestricted, unconstrained, and free thinking that the world so badly needs.

We have a billion people living in slums and many are children. Many more are outside the established slums and still quality education is not available to them.

The model we have has taken hold in the poorest of the poor neighborhoods. We have sold the idea to their parents. The children 4.5 to 5 years old flock to our DoPeace Learning Centers. The neighborhood primary schools eagerly wait for our preschool graduates to fill their grade one classes as our children are now well known to be highly prepared.

We provide tutoring in all of our schools from class one to class five so they do not drop out and keep up their academic progress. Most importantly, we keep them driven by constantly reiterating their vision by reciting the Promise. It is in their psyche.

These children are not going back to the business as usual in the slums. They are moving forward. The brains are ready for achieving their high potential.